This photo displays how these children use enhancements to fit beauty ideals displayed in our media. This little girl has been photo shopped and airbrushed to achieve this beauty.
Toddlers and Tiaras is a hit
television series that is based on toddlers enhancing their beauty by competing
in beauty pageants all over the globe. These toddlers are dressed up in fancy
dresses costing sometimes over 1500 dollars to make sure they have the best
dresses to look the most beautiful for the fiercest competition. These toddlers
age 15 months and up and use many cosmetic products to enhance their beauty.
Fake tans are one of the many enhancements these toddlers use for competitions.
Toddlers who don’t use these tans loose points because they aren’t considered
as beautiful with pale skin tones. Also these children use fake hair extensions
and hair pieces to create luscious hair, without these enhancements children
will lose points and may cause them to lose the competition. In addition
flippers are used which are a set of fake teeth for those toddlers who are
missing teeth. All of these enhancements are essential to have in these
pageants and without them could cause these children to lose.
There is great controversy
when it comes to these pageants, because they are said to be setting bad
examples for these young children. The enhancements of their beauty are taught
to them to be essential for competition and are also taught to be used daily so
that they are considered beautiful to the media. At such a young age one has to
wonder if the child even wants to be involved in these pageants. Parents I feel
are using their children to relive their childhood by using their children as
the object. Interviews with moms state they were bullied as a child for not
being beautiful, and are using pageantry to make sure their child doesn’t face
these struggles and have confidence. “A mom
defends her eight year-old daughter’s weight loss and admits that she
used to weigh 300 pounds (Celebichy, 2012). This is an example of a mom who
struggled with feeling beautiful as a child and wants to make sure her daughter
doesn’t suffer life she did, and uses pageants as a way to give her daughter
confidence. Pageants can
be argued as beneficial to the Childs self-esteem at a young age can help
children. Moreover, giving your child the persona and identity you want for
them isn’t fair because you are robbing them of discovering themselves and the
true identity they believe in.
Pageants can also relate to
killing us softly 4 where women are influenced by the media. The media
influences them to enhance their beauty by using these products. Women are
constantly being pressured to fit these ideals which creates these desires to
fit the “perfect body,” to become beautiful.
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